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The MIT team believes that their lightweight, inexpensive device holds the promise of revolutionizing the power industry and providing solar power to even remote regions.

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Signals from space to Earth using quantum technology could establish the reality of Einstein's worst fear, that the theory of relativity cannot be made compatible with quantum requirements. It is an open issue whether quantum laws, originally established to describe nature at the microscopic level of atoms, are also valid at the macroscopic level.

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A team of astronomers announced they have discovered the smallest and potentially most Earth-like extrasolar planet yet. Five times as massive as Earth, it orbits a relatively cool star at a distance that would provide earthly temperatures as well, signaling the possibility of liquid water.

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As many as one in four have a much-reduced risk of developing alcohol-related cancer thanks to their genetic make-up, scientists have discovered. Researchers have identified two genes that quickly flush alcohol out of the system, thus reducing its carcinogenic effect

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Men have long been accused of judging women on looks alone, but even the plainest Jane can get their hormones raging, a study has found. Or in the immortal words of Ol' Dirty Bastard: "I dedicate this to all the pretty girls...And the ugly girls, too, cause to me your pretty anyways"

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Time-wasting is not just an irritating habit. It is an affliction that ruins millions of lives and often requires therapy and other treatment for sufferers, psychologists have warned.According to new research, one person in five now suffers from the problem so badly that their careers, relationships and health are threatened.

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It is difficult to imagine what must have been going through the heads of Rio de Janeiro beachgoers in recent months as they have seen hundreds of baby penguins wash up onshore dead. At last count, more than 400 penguins, swept from the shores of Patagonia and Antarctica, have been found dead on Rio de Janeiro's beaches, reports the AP.

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